
Full Contact

Full Contact (2015)

Драма, Трилер, Документарец, Cпорт, Mистерија | хрватска, Германија, Холандија
Режисер: David Verbeek

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.6/10


Full Contact is a contemporary tale of a man trying to find new purpose in life after accidentally bombing a school through a remotely operated drone plane. Ivan, operating the plane from a far away air force base, has never been to the foreign countries of his attacks, nor has he ever touched the plane he uses to kill. Modern warfare keeps him safe and disconnected from his prey. However, after this incident Ivan's disconnectedness starts to apply to everything in his life. He is overwhelmed by feelings of guilt that he is unable to process.


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