
Adventures of Bailey: Christmas Hero

Adventures of Bailey: Christmas Hero (2012)

Семеен | САД
Режисер: Steve Franke

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рејтинг: 6.4/10


It's "Christmas time" at the Baker household, and Bailey is at it again. Worried that he will not get any presents from Santa because he's been a bad doggie, Bailey learns about a mysterious Native American Indian called the "Handsome Fellow," who may be able to make his Christmas wishes come true. With thoughts of tennis balls, stuffed animals and more dog bones then he can count, he sets out to find this legend, inadvertently dragging his brother along for the ride. But when Bailey's misguided missteps cause harm to Duke and even threaten their family's Christmas plans, Bailey must not only find a way to save his brother, but he is also forced to make a big decision... one that just might enable him to finally understand the "true" meaning of Christmas.


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