
Na konci světa

Na konci světa (1975)

Драма | Чехословачка
Режисер: Ivo Novák

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 4.0/10
Оценка на корисникот: 6/10


It is the autumn of 1950 and a small border army unit is awaiting the reinforcements, but the only one to arrive is Lance-Corporal Maryska, a teacher of Latin and Greek in civilian life. The population of the border settlement is small. Horse-trader Permanec convinces the stud-farm manager Jezbera that the commander of the frontier guard is going to write a report on his work for the directorate. The sudden death of the pub landlord gets in the way of a planned dance party with girls from the porcelain factory. Jezbera's pretty niece Tereza sweeps Private Puchmeltr off his feet but his night visit to the girl's house is interrupted by machine gun fire on the German side of the border. The new landlord Sebek starts assisting foreign secret agents.


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