
My Mom's Letter from Heaven

My Mom's Letter from Heaven (2019)

Семеен | Канада
Режисер: Michael M. Scott

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.0/10


Twelve years ago, Libby Johnson passed away from cancer, she leaving behind a loving husband and four year old daughter, architect Connor Johnson and Zoe Johnson, who had a strong network of friends to get them through the difficult time. The last few years, Connor and now sixteen year old Zoe have experienced problems in their father/daughter relationship in what could be seen purely as her teenage rebellion. Zoe has started dating a senior, Liam - her first serious boyfriend - the two who have no intention of introducing him to Connor, despite Connor knowing of him. In her new tough girl image, Zoe has abandoned especially her childhood friends, who she now considers goody-goody churchers. There is a mutual dislike between Zoe and Connor's current girlfriend, Rachel Laramer. While Zoe is more open in that feeling, Rachel directs her frustration at what she sees as Zoe controlling Connor's life, especially in she knowing of Zoe's objection to her moving in without Zoe even needing to...


My Mom's Letter from Heaven


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