Through many diffrent situations, we follow the life of a family, friends, love (revered and unclaimed), and through the episodes new characters (guest stars)...
James Herriot slijedi svoj san da postane veterinar u Yorkshire Dalesu. Ali uskoro će otkriti da je rad sa životinjama u jednakoj mjeri rad s vlasnicima - a...
The story of Aysem and Ömer, who think that they will be able to take responsibility for their dreams, their love and each other, and to have difficulties...
Battling with limited resources, a wonderful invention made by Taner, who dreams of one day reuniting with his childhood love Dilek, and his two cousins pave the...
This show is about a time in former Yugoslavia, mostly City of Zagreb at the end of 70' and beginning of 80'. In a dramatic and humorous way it tries to describe...
A successful London plastic surgeon is forced to adjust to rural life in a bid to save his marriage as his wife accepts a six-month veterinary research job on a...
LIAISONS is a modern dramedy, telling the story of the affairs and relations within a family and beyond; the ongoing search for love and the various ways of...
Një vajzë që duket si një adoleshente, por që në fakt është e detyruar të fshehë identitetin e saj të vërtetë: atë të një roboti. Është mjaft inteligjente dhe...
Aliu dhe Sinemi, një çift me prejardhje të ndryshme kulturore, përballen me vështirësi të shumta për shkak të familjeve përkatëse të cilat nuk pajtohen me...
Faruk is the owner of a bus company and the leader of a powerful family in Bursa which is a metro-pol in Turkey. Faruk meets a violinist girl and falls in love...
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