Vlerësimi: 6.8/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 7/10
(3 Voto)
  • Dosije

    Srpski "Fox crime" rekonstruiše zločine koji se odvijaju pred našim očima. Ubistva, pljačke, otmice, trgovina ljudima...naći će se u fokusu kriminalističkih...
  • On the Case with Paula Zahn (2009)

    Emmy Award-winning Journalist Paula Zahn steps out of the studio and into the field to unravel criminal investigations, tracking the drama of each story featuring...
  • Brooklyn Nine-Nine (2013)

    Captain Ray Holt (Andre Braugher) takes over Brooklyn's 99th precinct, which includes Detective Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg), a talented but carefree detective...
  • World's Most Evil Killers (2017)

    An in-depth look at the lives and crimes of some of the World's most evil killers including Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, Cary Stayner, Leonard Lake, Dorothea...

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