A policeman teams up with an art expert to investigate crimes.

Ishte në kanal:

France 2  RTS3  RTS2  TV5Monde  TV5Monde EU  

  • The First 48 (2004)

    The series follows detectives during the hours immediately following a homicide.
  • Inspector George Gently (2007)

    One-off drama set in 1964 about an old-school detective trying to come to terms with a time when the lines between the police and criminals have become blurred,...
  • In Tandem (2016)

    Commander Léa Soler, the new head of the Montpellier investigations division, has to work with Paul Marchal, a brilliant uncontrollable wild card cop who also...
  • Spiral (2005)

    Follows criminal investigations in Paris from all the different points of view of a criminal investigation.

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