Vlerësimi: 5.9/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 8/10


EPISODI: 1 - Meine Mutter ist unmöglich


Thanks to a contest, Toni takes her mother Heidi on a holiday from the restaurant. She doesn't really feel like it, but who can resist a week-long luxury trip at the Baltic Sea? At home, Rufus, Toni's partner in life and business, is quite content to have the place to himself. After all, the gourmet chef is still working on getting back his star by continuing his high-class cuisine in Toni's humble country kitchen. Meanwhile, Heidi surprisingly runs into Ivo again, Rufus' ex-head waiter, who now works as a maître d' in a hotel. Again, there's love in the air, and Heidi wants to start over with Ivo right then and there. Toni's calls for caution sure fall on deaf ears.


Kiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the Chef


Rishikuar nga Eva
e shtunë, 9 korrik 2022 1:16 e paradites
Bravissimi attori...mi è piaciuto molto il film e l ambientazione della campagna tedesca .. Sto seguendo anche gli episodi seguenti, fino ad adesso 5
Pelqe rishikimin
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