
EastEnders25: April 1, 2005

EastEnders (2005)

Krim, Dramë, Romancë | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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EPISODI: 51 - April 1, 2005


Sonia tells Martin that she'll never forgive him if he prevents her from seeing Chloe. Insisting that Sonia tells the truth, Martin accompanies her when she visits Chloe. He is shocked when he sees his little girl and tells Sonia that he understands why she kept coming.

Juley persuades the market inspector to reinstate the stall but Mickey is angry when he sees him setting up. He's heartbroken when Mickey tells him it's too late, he can't have a business partner that he doesn't trust. After a talk with Patrick and Gus, Juley decides the best thing to do is leave Walford.

Martin decides its time to tell Margaret the truth about who they are. She is furious at them for lying and orders them to leave. When Martin explains why they lied she allows them to say goodbye to Rebecca. Outside the house Sonia sobs in Martin's arms.

Stacey is feeling down after what happened at the cab office but doesn't tell anyone. Mo forces her to buy some food and then marches her to the Millers to apologise.




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