
Kiss the Chef


Komedi, Dramë | Gjermani
Regjia: Jurij Neumann




The country inn "Kupferkanne" is accidentally awarded a gourmet star. To put that right, the owner Antonia Janssen travels to Cologne and meets the star chef Rufus von Berg, who unexpectedly lost his star at a restaurant of the same name and who is also hoping for compensation. But since this doesn't happen as quickly as hoped and the two ultimately fall in love with each other, Rufus gives up his restaurant and moves with his kitchen team to Toni's in the Eifel. Here they now run the restaurant together as a crossover between star cuisine and home cooking. The initial joy of working together gradually gives way to the daily hustle and bustle. Toni feels more and more pushed aside by Rufus in the kitchen. Since her mother won a contest, she takes her to a spa weekend. Toni's mother meets Rufus' former employee, for whom she had sympathy from the very first moment, and fatally lends him money for an investment. Toni and Rufus have decided to get married. In advance, Rufus' parents travel to see their future daughter-in-law. However, Rufus' mother doesn't think Toni is the right woman for her son and so she does everything to make Toni look bad to Rufus. Although he remains unbroken by his bride, he cannot prevent the first marriage date from falling through his mother's fault and everything ending in a wild brawl in the church. After Toni and Rufus finally managed to get married, Toni's mother would now also like to have a grandchild. This wish comes true faster than expected, because suddenly a former friend of Rufus shows up and leaves her 15-year-old daughter in Toni's mother's newly opened boarding house. Although the slightly autistic girl had gone looking for her father alone, this short-term accommodation fits her mother's very busy business plan very well. After initial difficulties, Toni and Rufus get along with the girl and hope that she will come to visit more often. After Rufus turns more and more to his daughter, the marriage breaks up in the end and Toni has to find and orientate himself anew. She succeeds only with difficulty, so that her mother wants to lure her with a young man. In the end, however, he is only interested in Heidi and the two of them, despite a big age difference and the gossip of people, start a romance with each other. Toni concentrates on gastronomy again and, at the suggestion of her new chef, leases the "Kupferkanne". As a new start without star chef Rufus, she invests in a whole new restaurant, for which she has the old barn expanded and now offers vegetarian food.


Kiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the ChefKiss the Chef


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