In this modern fairy tale that shows how precious life is, Paloma is a seamstress and mother of three who, after having her tests exchanged with that of a terminally ill patient, believes she has only six months to live. Things are cleared up, but the young woman's desire to change her life remains, and she goes after Alberto, the man who actually is on the brink of death. Connected by their passion for literature, they build a beautiful friendship that gives new meaning to their lives, restoring in Alberto the pleasure of living and bringing Paloma closer to a past love, Ramon, and also to Marcos, Alberto's charming son, with whom she got involved when she thought she was dying.


A Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth Living


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