EPISODI: 2 - Liparische Inseln


Italy is one of the most attractive and popular tourist destinations in Europe. And yet there are still undiscovered corners - especially away from the mainland: Flora and fauna make each of the over 200 islands unique. Some of the most beautiful and varied are explored in the three-part series "Islands of Italy". We travel from the Tremiti Islands in the Adriatic Sea to Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean, to the Liparian Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea, exploring the geographical and ecological characteristics of each island.


Italy's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's IslandsItaly's Islands


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