
Атомски мрав

The Atom Ant Show (1965)

Режисер: Joseph Barbera, William Hanna

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рејтинг: 6.4/10
Оценка на корисникот: 10/10
(2 гласови)

Operating out of his private anthill, the formidable Atom Ant picks up distress calls via his built-in antennae and heads out to battle a fearsomely delightful array of dastards including Bug Fat Dynamo, Crankenshaft, M.D. and his arch-nemesis Ferocious Flea. Sharing screen time with our hero are Precious Pupp, a rascal of a mutt who hides his antics from the kindly Granny Sweets and the Hillbilly Bears, the most ridiculous bears to ever come from the Blue Ridge Mountains.

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