After dedicating a lifetime to her husband and family, Alicia's world changes completely when she discovers a betrayal. Determined to rebuild her life, Alicia begins to fall in love with a much younger man.

Беше на каналите:

3 Plus  HTV1  

  • The Last Summer (2021)

    Idealist Public Prosecutor Selim receives an offer he cannot refuse from organized crime leader Selcuk Taskin, whom he sent to prison. Selcuk will testify in the...
  • The Phoenix (2020)

    After her boyfriend, Serhat, announced dead, Zümrüt was forced to marry his uncle. This crucial decision will turn her life upside down.
  • Бетине дијагнозе (2015)

    "Беттy и њезине дијагнозе" њемачка је играна серија медицинске тематике, виѓена очима медицинских сестара са снажним женским ликом у средишту. То је одлучна и...
  • Böyle Bitmesin (2012)

    3 Person try a couple to save because the couple have a conflict and the result is : Divorce from couple. This played in Istanbul
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