
Чак 175 различитих врста ајкула живи у водама око САД. Само мали број њих напада човека. Меѓутим, у САД се догоди више напада ајкула у једној години него у читавом остатку света.


Најопасније ајкуле Америке


Нема Прегледи
  • Spaceship Earth (2020)

    A look at the group of people who built the Biosphere 2, a giant replica of the earth's ecosystem, in 1991.
  • My Journey Through French Cinema (2016)

    Bertrand Tavernier's personal journey through French cinema, from films he enjoyed as a boy to his own early career, told through portraits of key creative figures.
  • If I Think of Germany at Night (2017)

    A look at five pioneers of electronic music for whom work is their raison d'etre.
  • Dancing with the Birds (2019)

    From ruffling their majestic feathers to nailing im-peck-able courtship routines, birds in paradise flaunt their best moves in hopes of landing a mate.
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