
In a Nordic hamlet, Kay and Gerda are best friends, bonding over things like growing roses in a greenhouse. But the evil snow queen gets a hold on him, first from far, then kissing Kay to lure him to her ice palace, where her third kiss after fulfilling the tasks she sets him can turn him into an ice pillar. While roses keep rekindle Kay's memory, Gerda encounters weird creatures, from a flower fairy and a couple of engaged royals to a band of robbers, refusing to be distracted by any temptation from the search for beloved Kay.


The Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow QueenThe Snow Queen


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