
Can we predict avalanches? How can we save more lives? A team of scientists led by Prof Danielle George create a massive avalanche to find out.

  • The Mystery of Dark Matter (2012)

    Dark matter, which is unknown and undetectable in our physical models, would appear to populate the cosmos on a massive scale. For the first time, a film portrays...
  • Рушење граница: Знаност нашег планета (2021)

    David Attenborough and scientist Johan Rockström examine Earth's biodiversity collapse and how this crisis can still be averted.
  • Alzheimer's: Every Minute Counts (2017)

    Alzheimer's: Every Minute Counts is an urgent wake-up call about the national threat posed by Alzheimer's disease. Many know the unique tragedy of this disease,...
  • Сафари во Африка (2013)

    Погледнете ги лавовите на брегот на Намибија во лов на фоки, бањајте се со слоновите во Окаванго Делта, запознајте ги петнаесетте милиони лилјаци во Кансаки, за...
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