
Zone Rouge

Zone Rouge (2018)

Драма | Швајцарија, Германија
Режисер: Cihan Inan

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рејтинг: 6.6/10


When five old friends meet again for the first time after their graduation 25 years ago, nothing seems to disturb the cheerful reunion - at first. However, what starts as a party full of small talk and dancing in the sophisticated ambiance of a mild summer night can't cover up the dark secret of their past. While they try to keep up the appearance of a successful existence, gradually more and more cracks to the past open up. It seems that everyone still struggles with the same issues. And so, they fall back on old behavioral patterns and group constellations. Yet, recalling the past also raises questions: Why did the group break up so suddenly? Why did they never meet again afterwards? Why did the ex-student marry her former teacher? And why does this still bother her ex-lover? So, bit by bit, their dark secret is revealed - culminating in a final, intimate revelation that questions everyone's existence. ZONE ROUGE is a tale about a 40+ generation whose protagonists seek to be forever...


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