
Lucky Four in the Service of the King

Ctyrlístek ve sluzbách krále (2013)

Режисер: Michal Žabka

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рејтинг: 5.1/10


Famous Czech comics characters as movie stars! King Rudolf and his kingdom are in danger, the philosopher's stone is in the hands of the treacherous magician Kelly and the demon Zimozel is preparing an icy destruction for the whole world. Fifi, Myspulín, Bobík and Pinda face all this and more in this larger-than-life cinematic adventure in which their lives are on the line.


Lucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the KingLucky Four in the Service of the King


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