

Concussion (2013)

Драма | САД
Режисер: Stacie Passon

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.6/10


Abby lives with her lesbian domestic partner and their young son. However, Abby and her girl's long stable relationship has become passionless, and Abby is slowly becoming sexually frustrated. Abby's son hits her on the head by accident one day with his baseball and she suffers a mild concussion. This gets her thinking and she decides that she shouldn't repress her urges anymore. She hooks up with a young cute gentle and experienced lesbian prostitute, who sleeps with lonely women, and has a fantastic sexual and emotional experience. She becomes fascinated with the idea of helping other lonely women feel such joy and fulfillment, so she decides to get into the business herself under the pseudonym Eleanor. Her clients are both introverted women, who wish to explore their urges, and sexually aggressive women who know exactly what they and even Abby want. She learns more about herself and others after each sexual encounter. But how long can she live a double life before she's caught.


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