
The Voyage of Captain Fracassa

Il viaggio di Capitan Fracassa (1990)

Режисер: Ettore Scola

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.2/10
Оценка на корисникот: 4/10


In the Eighteenth Century, the "Traveling Company of Scenic Arts" composed of Tyrant, Lady Leonarde, Serafina, Isabella, Leandre, Zerbina, Matamore and Pulcinella gets lost while traveling to Paris in bad weather. They see a castle and ask the servant Pietro if they can spend the night. They soon learn that the destroyed castle belongs to the ruined nobleman Jean Luc Henry Camille, the Baron of Sigognac. Pietro asks the company to take Sigognac with them to Paris as King Luis XIII's father was saved by the baron's father, Henrique de Navarra, and Luis XIII would certainly reward Sigognac in gratitude. He also secretly gives one hundred gold coins to Pulcinella to serve Sigognac.


The Voyage of Captain Fracassa


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