
Плутајуќи небодери

Płynące wieżowce (2013)

Драма, Pоманса | Полска
Режисер: Tomasz Wasilewski

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.3/10
Оценка на корисникот: 5/10


In his fifteenth year of training, aspiring champion swimmer Kuba lives a normal, uneventful life with his girlfriend, Sylwia, a waitress at his mother's, Ewa house. He happily switches back and forth from good sex with his girlfriend to the occasional back rub his mother craves. The relationship between the two women is tense, Ewa urges him to have Sylwia move out of the apartment. He has also been growing more curious about some of the boys who have gay sex at the gym. At a gallery opening one night, he is totally bored and out of the place. While smoking a joint, he meets Michal and they strike up a conversation to Sylwia's delight. Sylwia picks up on his fascination, but Kuba has her heart. She keeps her feelings to herself, as from one day to the next Kuba puts Michal in the middle of his life with her. Kuba drops his training program and begins to dream of another life. His mother is incredulous and urges him to stay on track. Meanwhile, Michal takes on the task of convincing his concerned mother and distant father that his lifestyle is not just a passing fancy. Kuba comes to recognize he has never experienced feelings as deep as those he has for Michal. It takes all the courage he can muster to face those who love him and dive in. Then he must deal with the consequences.


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