
Роботек: Сеновити записи

Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles (2006)

Режисер: Dong-Wook Lee, Tommy Yune

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рејтинг: 6.3/10


In the year 2044 AD, the human race has amped-up its space exploration and reached out to the stars through the miracle of ROBOTECHNOLOGY, but not without bringing intergalactic war upon the Earth itself. Heroes will die and allegiances will shift. But in the midst of combat, perhaps peace will spring up through the charred remains of battered history. One of the greatest science fiction sagas of all time continues...

Сцеарист: ,
Продуцент: Frank Agrama, Alan Letz
времетраење: 88 мин


Роботек: Сеновити записи


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