
They Are All Dead

Todos están muertos (2014)

Драма, Фантазија, Комедија, Семеен | Германија, Мексико, Шпанија, Франција
Режисер: Beatriz Sanchís

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.8/10


Just by watching Lupe stuck at home in her robe and slippers, no one would will guess that in the 80's she was a rock star. Gone are the times of concerts, fame and success. Agoraphobia does not let her leave home. She depends entirely on Paquita, his mother, a superstitious Mexican, with a huge heart, which not only takes care of his daughter but also her teenage grandson. The problem is that Paquita is running out of time and she doesn't want to leave without getting her daughter back.


They Are All Dead


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