Faced with staff shortages, the chief of a Cologne police department convinces two retired homicide detectives to come back into the force. With their immediate superior being a young woman, a generational cultural clash is inevitable.
Mother and daughter Astrid and Audrey are lawyers specializing in family law who take the perilous decision to work together. From the bulldog being fought over...
Jake Peralta, një detektiv i pa përvojë por i talentuar, i cili punon në NYPD(Departamenti i Policisë në New York) në zonën 99-të të Brooklyn. Sapo fillon punën,...
On the Caribbean island of Martinique, in the middle of the tropics, several mysterious murders occur. Now it is up to the two investigators Mélissa Sainte-Rose...
A mockumentary about life in a mid-sized suboffice paper merchants in a bleak British industrial town, where manager David Brent thinks he's the coolest,...
Harry Bosch is an irreverent homicide detective in Los Angeles. Like any good protagonist he has problems with authority, follows his gut and bends a few rules...
The backbone of the "Drzavni Posao (Government Job)" are satirical talks between the three actors, the comments are reminiscent of the "stand-up" form. These are...
The comedy "Radio Mileva" follows the everyday life of Mileva, Natalija and Sonja, three generations of the Majstorovic family who live under the same roof.
Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable...
Një program kritik dhe problemor, i cili nëpërmjet humorit dhe satirës denoncon dukuri negative të jetës sonë si korrupsioni, vjedhjet, shkeljen e ligjeve, e më...
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