"Nora Kaminski - without a doctorate." This is how Tanja Wedhorn introduces herself to the residents of Rügen as a doctor in "Practice with a sea view". The former ship's doctor did not land on the Baltic Sea island entirely voluntarily. The quick-witted, cheerful nature from the Ruhr area first has to assert itself under the idiosyncratic northern lights. But the 42-year-old doctor is in financial difficulties. Her reserves are just enough for a room in an "old captain's house full of character", where hot water is not guaranteed and the cranky landlord Matthias Samland (Hans-Uwe Bauer) gives her the cold shoulder. For now, she can only rely on her doctor colleague and former college friend, Dr. Richard Freese (Stephan Kampwirth), who is looking for a partner with unusual ideas, but is secretly still attached to his childhood sweetheart Nora. The practice team is completed by medical assistant Mandy (Morgane Ferru).

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