
Chasing Monsters: El Niño

Chasing Monsters (2015)

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EPISODI: 10 - Quête de l'espadon voilier au Guatemala


In this new series, Cyril Chauquet takes us on a mission to seek out the world's most colossal underwater creatures in the remotest corners of the planet. From the crystal-clear, shark-infested waters of Florida, to the caiman's of the Brazilian Amazon, our brave adventurer tests the ferociousness of the alligator gar, fights giant cat fish with his bare hands and battles with giant Mexican sailfish. This series explores both the fascinating cultures and the amazing, elusive, wild fish living in the hidden depths of the planet's oceans, lakes and rivers!


Chasing Monsters: El NiñoHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt MediaHewitt Media


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