EPISODI: 27 - Hochzeitsreise nach Norwegen


Former German cycling champion Lukas Kremp, who retired after a knee injury during the doping scandals, accepted to carry out the wedding pact if single at age 40 with his best friend, rebel countess Stefanie von Erlen, without romantic commitment but to spite her estranged family. But he reconsiders at the captain's 'altar', inspired by the obvious true love between seniors Joachim and Marlene Reiter, who renew their vows at their golden anniversary, part of his bucket list given his cardiac condition while she never accepted the break-up with their children, none of whom attends as none wanted to continue their fish shop, Norway being chooses as he visited it to prospect suppliers. Lukas and Stefanie agree to continue the 'honeymoon' as 'just friends', but she clearly hoped for more and he gets jealous when she starts an affair with his Norwegian former rival, Harald Dahl, who realizes Lukas is her true love but reveals they were all doped. Both couples triumph after equally surprising further trouble.


Kreuzfahrt ins GlückKreuzfahrt ins Glück


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