

Elif (2014)

Dramë, Romancë | Turqi

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Little girl Elif lives with his mother Melek, stepfather Veysel, her step-sister Zeynep and step-brother Murat. Elif is almost 5 years old but she is much more mature than her peers. She is very helpful and at the same time, strong enough to endure her stepfather's cruelty. Veysel is a hopeless, violent gambler who tortures not only Melek but also little Elif. He plans to sell Elif to pay back his gambling debts. Out of pure coincidence, Melek discovers his husband's ill intention and finds out the passport on behalf of her daughter. In order to save her daughter, she eventually decides to call her long-lasting friend Ayse and asks for her assistance. Ayse is a servant in the house of the wealthy Emiroglu family where Melek used to work. When Ayse arrives at Melek's house, she is so surprised to see her old friend in a desperate situation. She does not understand why Melek is married to this violent man but eventually, learns the secrets that were buried in the past. While Melek was working as a servant at the house of Emiroglu family, she fell in love with the favorite son of the family, Kenan. These two young persons loved each other to death but had to break up due to Kenan's evil mother who did not approve his son's choice. While expecting his baby, Melek had no choice but to leave Kenan and let him think that she had abandoned him. After Melek's disappearance, Kenan got married to Arzu and had a daughter. And Melek started a new life, gave birth to Elif, and got married to a cruel man, Veysel. Melek has never disclosed the secrets about her past so far. She has raised little Elif with difficulty without disclosing her true identity. However, she feels so desperate now, has nothing to do but to leave her daughter Elif in the care of her friend Ayse. Apart from her beloved mother, Elif starts to live at the house of Emiroglu family without knowing that her biological father is Kenan. Elif's arrival to Emiroglu family not only changes her life but also changed the lives of all the members of Emiroglu family. In this story, you will explore the traumatic life of a little girl who tries to adjust her new life in luxury, apart from her beloved mother. Will Kenan learn the true identity of Elif? Will Melek eventually take her daughter and live happily together? How will Elif change the lives of Emiroglu family?




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