
The Young & the Restless: Episode 10332 - Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Young and the Restless (2014)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 212 - Episode 10332 - Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Kyle reveals to Jack that the drug Summer took is being manufactured by Bonaventure Industries. Jack concludes that Victor is to blame for his daughter almost dying. Paul arrives to investigate the complaint filed against Jabot with the labor relations board.

Dylan and Avery head out of town to look into a new lead on Ian Ward. When they go to a place called The Path, Dylan introduces himself to an employee named Clarence and Avery plays along as his wife. When Clarence asks them who they are and what they really want, Dylan admits that they’re looking for Ian.

Lauren is upset to hear that Fen has to go back to prison after he broke his house arrest to help Summer. Michael tells Fen that he will find a way to get him out of this nightmare. Michael goes to see Leslie in hopes that she can tell him who turned state’s evidence against Womack.


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