
The Young & the Restless: Episode 10292 - Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Young and the Restless (2013)

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EPISODI: 172 - Episode 10292 - Thursday, November 21, 2013


Sharon apologizes to Dylan for the misunderstanding about Faith’s dollhouse and because Nick lashed out at him. Later, Dylan makes plans for him and Avery to have dinner at the club, while Nick tells Sharon that Nikki has planned a family dinner at the club. Nick and Dylan both remain unaware that their dinner planers are on a collision course.Noah is surprised to find out that Victor hired Kyle. Late, Nick warns Noah again of what working for Victor can cost him.Abby encourages Jack to ask Summer to spend Thanksgiving with the Abbott’s. Later, Summer suggests that she and Jack go see Phyllis for Thanksgiving.Mason flirts with the barista at Crimson Lights while he slyly uses Devon’s credit card. Later, Devon bumps into Mason and questions if he’s been following him. When Mason plays it cool, Devon offers to buy Mason a drink and tells him they should get something stronger than coffee.


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