
The Master and Margarita

Master and Margarita (2005)

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Master and Margarita (2005) is a Menippean film based on the eponymous book by Mikhail A. Bulgakov. Set in Moscow under Stalin and in Jerusalem under Pilate, it has several story-lines where history, religion and politics are intertwined. The story of Master (Galibin), a talented author of a manuscript about the biblical Pontius Pilate, and Master's muse - Margarita (Kovalchuk), is paralleled by the biblical story of Ieshua in Ierushalaim, and the deceit of the cowardly ambiguous Pilate (Lavrov), whose character alludes to a Soviet leader. The reality is distorted by Satan - Woland (Basilashvili), and his lieutenants, who are manipulating public events and people's lives by pushing buttons of human weaknesses and sins. Margarita taps into Woland's power, trying to save Master. The character of Master is autobiographical, burning of his manuscript alludes to what Bulgakov himself did under threats from Soviet authorities.


The Master and MargaritaThe Master and MargaritaThe Master and MargaritaThe Master and MargaritaThe Master and MargaritaThe Master and MargaritaThe Master and MargaritaThe Master and Margarita


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