
The First 48: Mother and Child

The First 48 (2011)

Dokumentar, Dramë, Reality show, Krim, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 25 - Mother and Child


In Miami, ten days before Christmas, a young corrections officer is shot dead with her two-year-old son while sleeping in their bed. Det. Kevin Ruggiero and Sgt. Ervens Ford take the case personally--not only do they consider the victim 24-year-old Ciara Lee as "on our team", but the death of her baby boy hits them emotionally. In this intense manhunt the detectives uncover the intended target, the motive, and the suspected killers, making an arrest two days before Christmas. But a surprise twist at the end leaves them frustrated and determined.


The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48The First 48


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