Title character Sebastian Stark is an L.A. hot-shot lawyer, who leaves his lucrative career as defender of rich criminals to join the public prosecution under the District Attorney (D.A.), which allows him to form a trial team of his own, consisting of young lawyers, like Casey Woodland, son of a legislator, who thus get a opportunity to learn straight from the master, if they can stand his hellish pace and walk the tight rope between respecting the law while using it and winning whatever it takes. A P.I. helps out digging up factual information. While in nearly every episode a criminal is found out and put behind bars, after testing out tactics in Shark's private mock court, Sebastian often also has to deal with his daughter Julie, who surprisingly chose after Shark's divorce to live with him rather then her mother in New York.

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STAR Crime  HTV1  

Episodi vijues:

e enjte
Shark 2, Ep. 12
e premte
Shark 2, Ep. 13
e hënë
Shark 2, Ep. 14
e martë
Shark 2, Ep. 15
e mërkurë
Shark 2, Ep. 16
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