
Melrose Place: Hook, Line and Hayley

Melrose Place (1995)

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EPISODI: 13 - Hook, Line and Hayley


Hayley takes Alison away on a cruise. He reveals that he has serious financial problems, and throws his records into the ocean. Hayley plans to flee to Mexico, and Alison agrees to join him. A drunken Hayley falls overboard in the middle of the night. The Coast Guard later recovers his body. Kimberly manages to knock Vic unconscious and free herself. She hauls Vic into the police station. Kimberly tells Peter that she is giving up her radio career to become a psychiatrist. Amanda suspects that Bobby is going to kill her, but he says he came to Los Angeles to protect her from his family. Peter is furious when Amanda has dinner with Bobby, especially after he learns Bobby is the ""first love"" Amanda had described to him. Syd confronts Jane about her intentions toward Michael. Jake is frustrated by the police investigation of Shelly. He finds that most of his money is already gone.


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