
Dark Shadows: DS-494

Dark Shadows (1968)

Dramë, Fantazi, Horror, Mister, Romancë, Fantashkencë, Thriller | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 34 - DS-494


Willie brings Adam some food to eat. Julia tells Willie to expect this behavior from Adam, after all he feels dejected. Willie tells Julia that he would rather return to Wyndcliffe then continue to live like this, but Julia tells him if he returns to Wyndcliffe he won't ever get out. Willie reluctantly agrees to continue working with Adam. Willie goes back into the cellar to work with Adam. Willie finds out that he likes shiny things, so he opens a secret door and takes out some jewelry, formally owned by Josette Collins, out of the compartment. Willie tells Adam about the time Maggie was in the Old House and thought she was Josette Collins. He puts the jewlery back, and decides to leave to give Maggie a pair of earrings. Meanwhile, at the Evans Cottage, Maggie and Joe are getting ready to leave. Maggie and Joe leave the room to do other things in the cottage, and Willie sneaks in and puts the earrings in Maggie's purse. He the flees the cottage. Meanwhile, in the Old House cellar, Ju


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