
Pobre diabla

Pobre diabla (2000)

Dramë, Romancë | Peru

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At the age of 17 Andres Mejia Guzman fell in love with Caridad, who was a servanr in his parents house. She got pregnant and although Andres gave name to his son, they did not get married. Eventually Caridad left the house of Mejia Guzman and young Andres grew up without father not able to forgive him. At the age of 42 Andres Sr. met young Fiorella Morelli. They fell in love and got married. After 3 months Andres died and made his son and his wife equal heirs of his fortune. His mother was not very happy about it and started to try everything to get rid of the unwelcome family members. And she was not the only one. When Andres Jr. and Fiorella met each other unexpected feelings grew between them. But Andres couldn't accept such strong feelings for his father widow and Fiorella was too proud to admit her own feelings to him. And that is where the story begins...


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