
American Gods

American Gods (2018)

Fantashkencë, Dramë, Fantazi, Thriller, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Chris Byrne

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Shadow is a man with a past. But now he wants nothing more than to live a quiet life with his wife and stay out of trouble. Until he learns that she's been killed in a terrible accident. Flying home for the funeral, as a violent storm rocks the plane, he is greeted by a strange man in the seat next to him. The man calls himself Mr. Wednesday, and he knows more about Shadow than is possible. He warns Shadow that a far bigger storm is coming. And from that moment on, nothing will ever be the same.


Foto: RTL/© 2018 Starz Entertainment, LLC 2Foto: RTL/© 2018 Starz Entertainment, LLC 2Foto: RTL/© 2018 Starz Entertainment, LLC 2Foto: RTL/© 2018 Starz Entertainment, LLC 2Foto: RTL/© 2018 Starz Entertainment, LLC 2Foto: RTL/© 2018 Starz Entertainment, LLC 2Foto: RTL/© 2018 Starz Entertainment, LLC 2American GodsAmerican GodsAmerican GodsAmerican GodsAmerican GodsAmerican GodsAmerican GodsAmerican Gods


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