
Little House on the PrairieLittle House on the PrairieLittle House on the PrairieLittle House on the PrairieLittle House on the PrairieLittle House on the Prairie


Ska rishikime
  • Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten (1992)

    The programme concerns the lives of a fictional neighborhood in Germany's capital city Berlin. Over the years the soap opera tends to have an overhaul of young...
  • In all Friendliness (1998)

    This show is focused on a fictional clinic in Leipzig called 'Sachsenklinik' as well as its staff and patients.
  • Midis dy lagjeve (2013)

    The main character is a girl who lives in the suburbs of Istanbul. All her thoughts together about how to get out of poverty and miserable life and enter the...
  • Dashuri e pafund (2015)

    Kemali, një student i inxhinierisë së minierave, djali i një familje të thjeshtë dhe Nihani, një vajzë që vjen nga një shtresë e lartë, bien në dashuri. Kemali...

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