сезона: 9

епизода: 5 - Der Tag am See


Italy-raised landscape architect Stellan Mansfeld return after years in Canada to his Swedish coastal countryside birth town for a job with local estate owner Gustaf Hagen, who plans to retire there and leave his Stockholm law firm to son Jens and his fiancée, town-girl Clara Stellingbosch. Stellan however falls in love with Clara and helps her save brat sister Natalie's bacon after eco-cahoot Mikael's illegal actions. Stellan's grandmother Maria confides his late mother's traumatic and her own secret past in a complicated affair concerning a maverick painter's work Stellan finds in the Hagen mansion.


Inga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga LindströmInga Lindström


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