
Hangin' with Mr. Cooper: My Dinner with Mark

Hangin' with Mr. Cooper (1992)

Режисер: Jeff Melman

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сезона: 1

епизода: 9 - My Dinner with Mark


In the beginning, Mark tells the audience that the show is LIVE. Mark does not know his lines. Vanessa invites her boss to their house to work on a business proposal. Mark thinks that Vanessa is dating him and Robin is trying to get a date with the boss. Vanessa tries to get a client by talking to her in the elevator. The client, Mrs. Walker, invites her to the meeting to a dinner with a $300 a plate price. Robin buys an excerize machine that makes her hang upside down and she can not get out of the machine without Mark. The boss had to take a flight out of town and wants her to reschedule. The client does not want to talk to secreatries like Vanessa. So, Vanessa has to find a person to pass as a business executive. Here comes Mark! They go to the restaurant and Vanessa tells Mark to be quiet and let Vanessa do the talking. The client asks Mark to discuss all of the business deals! Mark does not fit in with the rich crowd. Meanwhile, Robin tries out the machine again and can not

времетраење: 30 мин


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