
Dinosaur 13

Dinosaur 13 (2014)

Режисер: Todd Douglas Miller

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.2/10


In 1990, paleontologist Peter Larson and his team from the Black Hills Institute made one of history's greatest dinosaur discoveries; the largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus Rex fossil ever found. The documentary details the true story behind the discovery, as well as the struggle that surrounded it, including a 10-year battle with the US government, museums, Native American tribes and competing paleontologists.


Foto: Geo Television / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13Foto: Geo Television / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13Foto: Geo Television / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13Foto: Geo Television / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13Foto: Geo Television / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13 LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Foto: RTL / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13Foto: RTL / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13Foto: RTL / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13 LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.Foto: RTL / ©2014 DINOSAUR 13


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