
Sabrina Maurer leads a happy life with her eleven-year-old daughter Laura. Unfortunately, since her divorce, she has had to keep reminding her ex-husband Stefan of the maintenance payments for their daughter. That is why the self-confident woman is immediately suspicious when one day Stefan stands in front of her door beaming with joy with a bottle of wine. When Sabrina found out the reason for the visit, she fell from all the clouds: Stefan had secretly had a paternity test carried out, with the result that eleven-year-old Laura could not possibly be his biological daughter. At first Sabrina believes in a lousy trick and immediately orders a repetition of the test. The devastating result: Stefan is actually not the father of the child - but Sabrina is not the birth mother of her daughter either. After the initial shock is over, Sabrina asks lawyer Robert Clajus for help. The stunned woman learns from him that the youth welfare office will put little Laura in a home as soon as it finds out about the test results - and she herself may have to expect a complaint about child abduction. But although Clajus and his client find out through adventurous detective work that Laura was mixed up in the hospital after the birth, and they even manage to locate Sabrina's biological daughter, the authorities are merciless. After an unsuccessful escape from the police, little Laura ends up in the home and Sabrina in custody. Now only the legal skill of Robert Clajus, who has long since fallen in love with his client, can save the messed up situation. He does manage to get Sabrina out on bail, but whether she will ever get her child back will only be shown at a court hearing.


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