
Corinna's Romanian cleaning lady Rosha has advice: She gives Corinna a magical love herb that is supposed to transform the stressed-out workaholic into a romantic who has just fallen in love. The trouble is that Corinna accidentally eats the herbs herself - and immediately falls madly in love with the next man she meets: In this case, the staid fishmonger Hansen, who also supplies the Fürstenbergs' restaurant. The baffled Hansen, himself married and father of three children, has no idea what is happening to him when Corinna suddenly approaches him with a transfigured look - but then lets his admirer persuade him to go on a secret rendezvous. When his wife Monika gets wind of the matter, she wants to confront Corinna. However, in the Fürstenberg house she only meets Michael, who, without realizing it, has now also nibbled on the herbs. And since Monika is the first woman he meets afterwards, he immediately gives her his heart. Of course, she thinks her new admirer is completely crazy. But Michael doesn't give up that easily. This is how a crazy love story unfolds, at the end of which one thing is clear: true love comes from the heart - and there is no cure for it.


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