
The Shifting

The Shifting (2013)

Акција, Криминал, Драма | САД, Колумбија
Режисер: Julio Saldarriaga

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.6/10


Marcela, a young Latina, is forced to flee when her family refuses to believe that her cousin raped her. Her world is ripped to pieces when she sees Joseph, her rapist, and a respected city councilman, on the news. She is grown up now and living in LA with her devoted boyfriend, Manny, who is living a clean life after years in a gang. When Manny finds out, he attempts to kill Joseph, and Marcela has to choose: get revenge or forgive the past and begin healing. This transformative film takes a realistic look at the lives we are given and the choices we make.


The Shifting


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