
Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness

Bize un Neguļa (2017)

Режисер: Edmunds Jansons

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.3/10


Pigtail loves the winter holidays, but this year, shortly before Christmas, Brother comes into the world, turning everything upside down. Grandmother arrives from the countryside, because Pigtail’s parents no longer have time to take her skating, but Pigtail and her best friend, Mr. Sleeplessness, don’t like the new order. They come up with a plan – to send Brother and Grandmother to the Moon, in a bid to reclaim parental attention.

Глас: Nora Dzuma
Продуцент: Sabine Andersone
времетраење: 25 мин


Pigtail and Mr. Sleeplessness


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