
In "Jingle and Bell," Jingle the Husky Pup and his buddy Andrew meet some new friends. A girl Andrew's age, Sofia, and her Husky pup, Bell, have moved from sunny Palm City to Pineville weeks before Christmas. With no friends yet and not knowing what to expect, Sofia and Bell's world is upside down and it looks like it might be the worst Christmas ever. But with a little help from Jingle and Andrew, Sofia and Bell will soon discover that Christmas joy isn't about where you are--it's about who's with you.

Сцеарист: ,
Продуцент: Ray Di Carlo, Michel Jackson
Наратор: Chad Darrow
времетраење: 30 мин


Jingle & Bell's Christmas StarJingle & Bell's Christmas StarJingle & Bell's Christmas StarJingle & Bell's Christmas Star


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