
Abduction Runs in the Family

Abduction Runs in the Family (2021)

Драма | САД
Режисер: Jeff Hare

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рејтинг: 5.4/10
Оценка на корисникот: 10/10


Single mother Alyssa is a successful author who was kidnapped as a child before making a safe return seven years later. Given her past, she is overprotective of her young daughter, Emma. When Alyssa has a panic attack she visits her therapist and admits her senses are heightened due to her captor, Miles', recent release from prison. Days later, Emma is abducted from a park, sending Alyssa into a tailspin. Believing Miles is the culprit, Alyssa is frustrated when she learns he has an alibi. Miles suggests there is someone else copying his past abduction of Alyssa and urges her to let him help find Emma. Desperate to save her daughter, Alyssa must decide if trusting her former captor is worth the risk.


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