Madame Pimpernel

Paris Underground (1945)

Режисер: Gregory Ratoff

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.6/10


Gracie Fields's final feature betrays how little Hollywood understood the war in Europe. Also known as Paris Underground and recreating a neverland France, Gregory Ratoff's romp depicts Gracie using an antique shop as cover to help American Constance Bennett smuggle airmen back to Blighty. They're highly fortunate in the fact that the Nazis under the command of Captain Kurt Krueger are incredibly inept and even when the intrepid pair are finally captured, they are spared the usual fate for resistance activity. Oscar nominated for Alexander Tansman's score, this did little to restore Fields's reputation with British audiences, who felt she had betrayed them by relocating to Hollywood in 1943.


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