
The Young & the Restless: Episode 10210 - Monday, July 29, 2013

The Young and the Restless (2013)

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EPISODI: 91 - Episode 10210 - Monday, July 29, 2013


While Leslie and Tyler catch up over coffee, Tyler brings up the bloggers latest post. Meanwhile, Neil tells Lily that he plans on stopping the blogger. Neil tells Leslie that he remembers that he met Rose in a bar in Evanston right after Drucilla died. Later, Lily sees Tyler and Abby kissing.

In the cabin, Michael and Carmine face off as Lauren struggles to get free. As they struggle, Michael hits Carmine with a fireplace poker and unties Lauren. Paul arrives as they realize that Carmine has escaped.

Nick tells Avery that she will get the chance to talk to Phyllis now that she is awake. Meanwhile, Noah tells Summer that he doesn’t care what a DNA test says. Summer confides to Noah that she fell in love with Kyle and feels sick about it.

At the hospital, Phyllis struggles to tell Jack the truth about Sharon. Sharon arrives and watches as Phyllis gets more and more agitated.


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